Shema: Listen

Based on the Hebrew letter shin, the first letter in several significant Hebrew words, and the first letter in the most important prayer in the Jewish religion, the Shema. Collaborative project with Australian artist, Nikki Green
Created from found dead wood during three week Art Kibbutz New York artist residency in 2013.
Carried from studio to lake in performance procession with music and song.
Installed in Eden Village lake, Putnam Valley, New York.
For more images.
All project photos copyright Paul R Solomon 2013
JUMP: War 2008 – 2012
Artists Ask Public to Jump In
A collaborative project of Asherah Cinnamon, Stefanie Loeb, Nina Petrochko, and Martha Piscuskas
Clifford Galllery Waterfall Arts, Belfast, Maine 2012
The artists jump rope while addressing questions to each other in a traditional call and response format. These questions elicit feelings and memories related to war in general and the Iraq war in particular. The project began with collecting many lists of words associated with war, from a wide variety of individuals and group representing differing points of view. This ongoing list informs the questions that are verbalized during the act of jumping. The physiological act of jumping counteracts the lethargy of powerlessness that people often feel in the face of war and large social issues. The public is invited to turn the rope, jump rope, ask questions or watch.

Main Street, Belfast, Maine 2012

Monument Square, Portland, Maine 2008
“We wanted to utilize the collaborative process to contradict our own isolation and emotional numbing to the Iraq war, as we worked together to develop a temporary public art work which addresses war in general. Our intention is to inspire a discussion of war and related issues by creating a visual and aural expression that includes many points of view.”
this photo and one below by Stephen Quirk

photo by David Gillis
An installation documenting their Public Art Performance was exhibited in the front window of 522 Congress Street, Portland 2008.
The JUMP: War Collaborative staged another public performance outside 522 Congress Street on May 21, 2008.
For questions about this project, to add to the list of “words on war”, or to arrange a workshop and performance of JUMP: War in your community, go to CONTACT

Alumni Performance Weekend organized and led by Asherah Cinnamon, Martha Piscuskas and Ling Wen Tsai. Salvaged, clean, surgical equipment wrap. Maine College of Art, Portland, Maine 2010